News Media Relations

Our public relations services include communications strategy, media outreach, media training, media monitoring and analysis. With decades of traditional public relations experience working with the news media, we know exactly which news outlets and which reporters will help tell your stories and reach your most important audiences – including current and potential employees, customers, community members, donors, shareholders, and others. We are skilled at crafting messages that resonate with these different groups, and we prepare your spokesperson(s) to deliver these messages with confidence during media interviews.

After we develop a Strategic Public Relations Plan for your organization, our team provides recommended stories and news outlets for garnering positive media coverage that supports your business goals. Specific goals are discussed for each campaign we develop and story we pursue.

Through our years of work in Syracuse and CNY, we have personal relationships with many media contacts. These relationships enable us to develop stories that the media are more likely to cover and cut through the clutter of the hundreds of news releases received each day. We know how to reach the right person at the right time for the highest chances of success with your stories.

As part of our long-term Public Relations and Social Media retainer engagements, our team will:

  1. Host weekly or bi-weekly “check ins” with your team to discuss news and social media opportunities, as well as potential issues,
  2. Provide project management for PR and social media efforts to ensure projects stay on track and meet deadlines, including tracking and managing opportunities from editorial calendars
  3. Recommend story topics to support your organizations business goals
  4. Develop and pitch press releases and thought leadership columns to secure media coverage
  5. Coordinate media interviews and prepare you or other subject matter experts for media interviews
  6. Ensure your team’s internal communications are aligned with our proactive media strategy
  7. Draft social media content to extend the reach of our communications efforts
  8. Crisis communications support
  9. Monitor news and social media activity, providing updates as activity occurs
  10. Measure the results of our proactive PR and social media efforts against your business goals

These news and social media efforts will also be aligned with any other marketing initiatives led by your team and other partners as we work side-by-side to support your overall communication needs and business goals. In addition to securing immediate positive news coverage, our team’s media relations expertise will also set the stage for your organization to build long-lasting proactive public relations in the markets you serve.

Contact us now to learn how our News Media expertise can take your organization to the next level!